Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Facing our Struggles: The wind and the waves

What do we see when we look out around us? What do we see when we arise to each day? Some days we see a sea of troubles, or storm clouds approaching, some days we see clear skies and calm waters.

We face times of change in life. We may hear God`s voice for a season and then hear nothing. We may hear the sound of laughter and joy only soon to be met with the sounds of mourning thereafter. Amidst these times there comes storms.

Life becomes filled with choices and decisions, events and circumstances, all of it demanding and shouting for our attention.

Oh The wind and the waves !!

Then comes our LORD, as a ghost it were, (Holy Ghost) speaking to us and reminding us to look at Him. Oh how we need Him in times like these! His glance gives us strength and His call thrusts out upon the roughest waters. But we hear the sounds of wind and look out on the trouble around us...yes we are overwhelmed easily.

We know the wind and the waves are in our lives. One we hear and one we see. These are troubles we hear from others, TV, or media, and the waves are the sea of troubles we can see in right in front of us. We cannot avoid them. They are always there threatening to bring us to worry and fret ourselves away from God.

Yet when we look at the disciples in the story they were going in the right direction. Jesus instructed them to cross the lake and the storm came. Jesus knows when our storms are coming and he will tell us to go and the storms will come. He will calm them and bring us safely to our destination. This is true and we are living it out, every one of us.
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