Our lives are mysterious at times. We do not know what troubles lie ahead and we cannot determine the details of our future. We have a great hope in the glory of the coming Kingdom and faith will bring us to that destination.
Meanwhile we live out our lives and our fervor grows cold and our love fades, I can only perceive this to be natural. However, Christ sternly warns us to arise and return to Him unreserved and our love will be renewed. We can know again our first love! For He makes all things new. Amen.
If we arise from our cold stance and embrace God, even in our darkest hours, in the moments of His silence, we can be assured God will receive us. If we listen to Him in the weary times of life, we can hear Him say, "hold on, don`t let go, I have you. and no one can snatch you from my hand."
Walking out of salvation is a partnership. The Holy Spirit is the sound that cries out within us "Abba, abba!" "Your will be done!" "Holy, Holy, Holy" and "Blessed be your name." No person without the Spirit of God can truly say these words, especially in the darkest of times.
Remember that your life is Christ`s work, a masterpiece and He says to you with the joy of an expectant artist, "Almost, almost done. We gotta finish! "