Cars travel the romantic road north for holiday in Japan's scenic snow wall pass |
This year is an extremely cold winter in Japan and has been especially hard on those areas attempting to recover after 3/11. Many hope that business will pick up and once again tourism to the disaster stricken north will return, but it has been difficult.
In Japanese winter is called Fu-yu 冬. A very harsh winter time can be referred to, or attributed to the Shogun of Winter 冬将軍, Fuyu Shogun. It is a phrase that Japanese say amongst each other as way of complaining of the harsh weather. It personifies the severe weather as a harsh general. The Japanese winter is often accompanied with a freezing northern wind. 北風 Kita Kaze. This seasonal wind has also been personified into a character. The character Kita Kaze Kantarou has been around since the 1970s as a popular song and way to refer to the coming of the wind.
30 feet??? i wonder how many weeks Japanese workers had spent to clean up the road... look at that wall, so neat...