Wednesday, February 01, 2012

News Flash Video: San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant Shutdown

 A video clip showing the smoking reactor at Southern California's San Onofre Power plant. 

As I am currently in southern California, ironically not far from San Onofre nuclear power plant, I was shocked to see this story on the news that stated the power plant had to be shutdown because of leaking radioactive material.

I can't help but feel like Fukushima is following me.  Of course the company will say it is minimal radiation and perhaps it is, but this sort of incident should be begging the question, "What if it were worse?"

Would people living around the plant be ready for a full scale incident?
How much trust can you give to such a powerful yet fragile industry?

It should have Americans and especially Californians thinking long and hard... And this is coming from a person who left Japan because of Fukushima fallout

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