Thursday, December 16, 2010

Connecting Life with Faith: "Emmanuel" God is with us and we are with Him

Do you ever feel lonely?  Do you ever feel overwhelmed?  Do you ever feel abandoned? All of us have felt or feel such feelings.  Our human experience exposes us to difficulties and feelings that are at times hard to handle, that is the road we travel. 

Some of us travel for many years and for some the road is cut short.  In our walk of life we all want to be understood, we all want to be acknowledged for our uniqueness and valued for it.  We do not want to walk alone.  I was reminded by a song by Journey "Ask the Lonely"

"If you`re lost in deep despair, you just ask the lonely." 

The words meaning that even if you are having the hardest time in your life, you always have those to talk to, to listen to you, to love you.  The "lonely" have it even worse than those who have difficulty because they have nobody.

The amazing aspect of the Gospel accounts is that they emphasize that we are not alone in this world.  We are not alone in the universe.  God is indeed with us and wants to be part of us, part of our jobs, our communities, our families, our homes.  The question is will you let Him in, as He knocks on your heart, as He gives opportunity after opportunity to allow Him into your daliy life and your daily thoughts.

I was recently reminded of this verse and I think it goes well with the concept of "Emmanuel" (the literal meaning "God is with us"). 

Ephesians 2:6, 7 "And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus."

Looking at our lives from an eternal perspect, out of the realm of time, we are already with Him.  We are seated with Him and nothing can remove us from that place except our own will.  We are experiencing the promise of salvation as we live now, but as far as heaven is concerned, we are already with Him.  We are have nothing to lose and everything to gain by saying "YES" to Him today in every area of our life.

God is with us! and we are with Him!  So what can death do to us, or man, what hold does fear have on us if God is with us and we are indeed already with Him seated in heaven.  If God has promised us salvation  through Christ, then it is guaranteed, just as the sun will rise tomorrow, so we will also come to the point  where will be meet this eternal destiny.

In the meantime, let`s give thanks for Christ`s birth, life, and work of redemption on the cross!  Let`s face the days ahead with assurance that God is with us, and we are with Him.


  1. Amen... God is there! or Here! LOL or I am with HIm! Anyways, it all boils down to relationship.

    Psa 27:10 When my father and my mother forsake me, Then Jehovah will take me up.

    So when everyone else bails on me, God is there!

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