There is a power released when we confess our weakness. This power comes not from us, but it comes from God who works on our behalf. He always has a plan that is in our best interest. We struggle and wrestle with our fleshly desires for comfort, leisure and blessing and we forget that we are called to be His servants. For the Scriptures even speak as we are his "bond servants", and what is this bond? This bond is the love He has for us and the love in our hearts for Him.
We need His love to love our enemies and those who do harm and speak evil of us. For if we only love those we like or those who bless us what reward is there? For even those who are evil do that! (Luke 6:35)
O God How we are in need of such love! My heart and flesh cry out for it and it is found through your Son and I will ask in His name and receive it. Amen.