Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Word and Message for the Future of Japan

Word of the LORD spoken to me on June 14, 2011.

I have set myself against the proud and haughty. Those who love to show their skin and flaunt their garments in public. Those who have forgotten the poor and condemned the innocent. Those who exalt themselves in their own hearts. Those who say "I am what I am" and refuse to repent of their evil, those who refuse to acknowledge that I have made them in My image.

For they will soil their garments with their own feces, they will grow weak and their bones will break. In their wickedness I will leave them unsatisfied, they will be consumed with madness. They will look to the idols, fortune tellers, and spiritists. They will try to find comfort but they will lose all their possesions and money because they will not seek Me.

So I will send them messengers, a generation of forerunners shall preach to them the words of life and many shall hear them and be healed. Many shall turn from wickedness and find everlasting life. Those who turn away from their evil ways and receive the words of Truth. The Messiah`s gospel shall be preached among them and they will be delivered from their troubles. Miracles and many signs shall be seen among them.

Yet there will be trouble and division among the people. There will be violence and bloodshed in the land that once was called peaceful among the nations. My people will be hated and sent out. They shall be sent out of Japan with a calling to the nations of the earth.







  1. The whole world is in a mess. Only God can change things. His people need to call upon Him more than ever now.

  2. Stephen, well said! Not just true, but awakening..
    So many lands are in a mess these days, because of misjudged decisions, manly mistakes, and lack of communication, serenity, and patience..We all need to shift to the spiritual realm of life! It definitely makes a difference...and we can see how things change for good, in the best sense! Well written, Stephen!


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